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Traffic to the site from Google by keywords (ENG)

Traffic to the site from Google by keywords (ENG)




Web Traffic

0.198 $

Price for 1000
  • Real
  • Speed 10000 per day

Start 0-12 hours USA Traffic Keyword can be added in any language. Organic keyword traffic from google.com searches Add your own keyword (see below how to add it) 100% real and unique visitors Supported by Google Analytics Session duration: 40-60 seconds per visit Low bounce rate 0-20% Rate: 10,000 unique visitors per day Desktop traffic over 90% Mobile traffic less than 10% No adult sites, drugs or offensive material allowed URL and Keyword Format: Add your URL and keyword in the link field with a separator. For example: https://www.domain.com:keyword 1 (ONE) keyword per order. To use multiple keywords, create another order for the same URL using a different keyword

Web Traffic

0.198 $

Price for 1000
  • Real
  • Speed 10000 per day

Start 0-12 hours USA Traffic Keyword can be added in any language. Organic keyword traffic from google.com searches Add your own keyword (see below how to add it) 100% real and unique visitors Supported by Google Analytics Session duration: 40-60 seconds per visit Low bounce rate 0-20% Rate: 10,000 unique visitors per day Desktop traffic over 90% Mobile traffic less than 10% No adult sites, drugs or offensive material allowed URL and Keyword Format: Add your URL and keyword in the link field with a separator. For example: https://www.domain.com:keyword 1 (ONE) keyword per order. To use multiple keywords, create another order for the same URL using a different keyword