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Live members who joined groups/publics

Live members who joined groups/publics




VK subscribers

11.4371 $

Price for 1000
  • Guarantee
  • Speed 1000 per day

Start up to 2 hours. Speed ​​up to 1000 per day. Unique service! 40-day guarantee. High quality (dogs up to 5%). Live subscribers from applications (not a script and not a virus). Live audience in groups and publics, subscribers watch posts, show activity, an ideal option for quickly recruiting subscribers, also the reach in the group increases and the community rises to the top. The group must have 5 posts. Topics porn / bets / earnings / loans / drugs / cheating - are prohibited. Orders will be canceled.

VK subscribers

11.4371 $

Price for 1000
  • Guarantee
  • Speed 1000 per day

Start up to 2 hours. Speed ​​up to 1000 per day. Unique service! 40-day guarantee. High quality (dogs up to 5%). Live subscribers from applications (not a script and not a virus). Live audience in groups and publics, subscribers watch posts, show activity, an ideal option for quickly recruiting subscribers, also the reach in the group increases and the community rises to the top. The group must have 5 posts. Topics porn / bets / earnings / loans / drugs / cheating - are prohibited. Orders will be canceled.